Power Plant Retrofit and Modernization

Imagen Power provides advanced engineering technologies to modernize power plants in order to reduce energy usage.  This is achieved through a comprehensive review of our clients existing building systems – from the current operations to the company’s future requirements and needs. Imagen will perform facility inspections to determine engineering opportunities, and will then complete the detailed facility and maintenance audit using our trademarked proprietary computer software program. The resultant analysis accurately assess a buildings energy profile and provides specific engineering and technical upgrade recommendations that will maximize system efficiencies, directly resulting in lower energy costs for our clients.

Based on the best Power Generating Alternative combinations, we will develop a detailed budget and project schedule for each potential system. The power plant modernization and sustainability initiatives cost is then compared to the annualized energy savings generated by each system component.  From the financial data, Imagen Power then develops individual Internal Rate of Returns (IRR) for each system in 5, 10, 15 and 20 year terms. The resultant will be a matrix by which our clients can easily determine which Power Generating Alternative component is best suited for their company.

Our next step will be to transform the approved concept into a fully integrated body of plans, specifications, budgets, and contractual agreements necessary to commence construction. Imagen will manage the detailed engineering process to yield a final design at the lowest possible cost.

Imagen will specifically focus on how your power plant is configured and will engineer energy savings opportunities based on the economic goals of your company. Our analysis will allow us to engineer and build viable Power Generating Alternatives that will directly reduce your energy usage.

Environmental Benefits:

  • Update old equipment to newer energy saving models
  • LEED Certification

Additional Benefits:

  • Increase the operational life of the power plant
  • Direct energy savings achieved
  • Provide significant reduction to the company’s operational budget
  • Increase overall value of your company